Total Price €320 Deposit taken today: €150

Deposit for Reiki level 2

Please click on which date you wish to attend for Reiki level 2

Just some of what you will gain from taking part in Reiki Level 2

  • You will be attuned to a further 4 rays of Reiki healing energy
  • You will partake in Meditations and Visualisations especially designed to help you maintain alignment with source energy.
  • You will be introduced to Reiki Symbols, their power, activating them and the specific intent of each symbol.
  • You will also receive a comprehensive Reiki level II manual and a gift
  • You will also be given the option to join a community of Reiki Alumni where you can share tips,organise reiki shares and have a like-minded community to assist you as you continue, on your Reiki journey.
  • With level II attunement, your body’s frequency and psychic perception will be heightened.

Upon completion of Reiki Retreat Level II, you will have the necessary discipline and knowledge to operate as a Reiki healer. All certificates are in accordance with the Reiki Federation of Ireland's guidelines.

You are more than welcome to create a payment plan please email [email protected] 

Any outstanding balances must be paid 2 weeks before course commences